We Are Passionate About Placing a Child in the Right Adoptive Home.

At Downer Law in DeLand, FL, we understand the joys and benefits of adoption. For many, it is an opportunity to experience parenting and expand their family. It may be a long-awaited answer for couples that struggle with infertility or same-sex couples who want to raise a child together. Single adults that can nurture and provide for a child may adopt. Step-parents with a solid and loving bond with their spouse’s children may adopt. In addition to enriching the adoptive parents’ lives, adoption is an opportunity to provide a stable home for a child. Every child is entitled to a loving and supportive family for life.

Whether you are a prospective adoptive parent or a birth mother contemplating adoption for your child, the Downer Law can provide help. Our law firm explains the adoption laws, protects our client’s rights, and assists in the legal process. 

Open and Closed Adoptions

These arrangements concern the relationship between the adoptive parents and the biological parents. Each type has its benefits and challenges. The parties involved must be very clear about their expectations when choosing one or the other.

Open adoption typically means the birth parents and the adoptive parents have contact before and after the adoption process. It entitles a child to learn about their family background and can help with their struggles of identity.

In a closed adoption, the biological parents and the adoptive parents have no contact. Some adoptive parents prefer this method, as they are concerned about the birth parents being intrusive and co-parenting the child. 

How do I start the Adoption Process?

The adoption process is governed by the Florida Department of Children and Families. To become eligible to adopt a child, a prospective parent must have a home study done by an adoption worker. This study determines if they can provide a child with a safe and secure home. In addition, there will be an orientation presentation and a chance to meet with adoptive parents and counselors, followed by training and preparation courses.

At the Downer Law, we protect our clients’ rights through the entire adoption process. Some of our services include preparing the legal paperwork and attending all necessary court appearances on behalf of our clients. We stay current on the local, state, national, and international laws that govern adoptions in Florida, interstate, and out of the country. Our legal team negotiate the terms of the adoption and provide ongoing legal counsel, handling disputes or legal actions that may arise. We complete all tasks that facilitate the adoption process, taking every proactive step to get your child home. 

If you are willing to start an adoption process, need support and legal advice. Contact us at (386) 873-7835 to schedule an appointment. 

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